Monthly Archives: December 2014

Happy New Year

Another year is coming to an end. 2014 had been pretty good for me, traveled, cooked, crafted, followed quite good workout routine, ate healthier, ran faster, hiked longer, shopped plenty and forgave more. it seems 2014 was conspiring to make me

Happy New Year

Another year is coming to an end. 2014 had been pretty good for me, traveled, cooked, crafted, followed quite good workout routine, ate healthier, ran faster, hiked longer, shopped plenty and forgave more. it seems 2014 was conspiring to make me

Modular Origami

Two years ago I was introduced to this creatively intriguing art called Modular Origami. It was one of the rare weekends when I was enjoying the luxury of being at home. After a long day of morning run, cooking experiments, meeting friends and

Modular Origami

Two years ago I was introduced to this creatively intriguing art called Modular Origami. It was one of the rare weekends when I was enjoying the luxury of being at home. After a long day of morning run, cooking experiments, meeting friends and

Flower shaped pesto bread

My new found love of baking keeps me experimenting.  I recently saw a video of bread braiding that someone shared on facebook. That was a spark enough to ignite my creative flame. Came the next day, I warmed up some

Flower shaped pesto bread

My new found love of baking keeps me experimenting.  I recently saw a video of bread braiding that someone shared on facebook. That was a spark enough to ignite my creative flame. Came the next day, I warmed up some